Tuesday 29 March 2011

4 nappies a day for incontinent children assesed as needing more?!

Today we found out from a mother of two incontinent girls that despite relentless campaigning by those affected and Prime Minister David Cameron contacting Primary Care Trusts to make it clear that 'Pads (nappies) should be provided in quantities appropriate to the individual’s continence needs. [and that] Arbitrary ceilings are inappropriate’.

Some Primary Care Trusts are still ignoring this directive, and - presumably in an attempt to make cuts - introducing arbitrary limits to the incontinence pad allowance regardless of the patients assessed needs. Only a few days ago parents were blogging about having their allowance cut "It has been decided that, from now on, no child will be issued with more than four pads per day." Behind The Child

Making cuts by taking away the basic needs of some of the most vulnerable people in our society is cowardly and wrong. Let Your MP and David Cameron know PCTs are ignoring him!

Get hold of Maria Miller MP, Minister for Disabled People by email and send your own thoughts on this serious issue:
Write to Andrew Lansley, Minister for Health at:
Rt Hon Andrew Lansley,
House of Commons,
London SW1A 0AA

Please ask David Cameron why his own Primary Care Trusts are ignoring him:
camerond@parliament.uk Or: privateoffice@no10.x.gsi.gov.uk
For a guaranteed response write a letter to either his consitituency address:
10 Bridge Street
Witney Oxon
OX28 1HY
Or at Downing Street:
10 Downing Street,

RT this: Mum of 2 disabled kids hit by PCTs ignoring PMs promise about nappies for disabled http://tinyurl.com/666r663 #care4carers

Please bear with us whilst we try to compile details of which PCTs are affected. If you know which areas are involved, please comment and let us know.

ETA South Gloucester PCT and Devon PCT both confirmed to have 4 nappy per day limits, despite being warned.


  1. South Glos PCT still limit to 4 nappies a day

  2. thank for information about baby incontinent
